新款MAN 35/44DF CD:成熟可靠的发电机组设计

2023-07-10 22:20 | 国际船舶网 配套动态

MAN 35/44DF CD 如何实现业界最佳维护间隔?

基于其前身MAN 35/44DF CR和MAN 32/44CR的发动机元件,历经数百万小时的现场验证,保证了发电机组的安全性和可靠性。更长的大修间隔所带来的好处包括:减少花费在发动机维护和备件上的时间和资金。如出现问题,您可以依靠 MAN PrimeServ的支持得到及时解决。MAN PrimeServ在全球范围内提供全天候的支持和专业技术。


The new MAN 35/44DF CD: mature and proven GenSet design

How does the MAN 35/44DF CD achieve its best-in-class maintenance intervals?

By building on the base engine elements of its predecessors, the MAN 35/44DF CR and MAN 32/44CR, proven with millions of hours in the field. This ensures the safety and reliability of the genset. And you notice the benefits of longer TBOs: you spend less time and money on engine maintenance and spare parts. And if something does go wrong, you can count on MAN PrimeServ, your 24/7 source of support and expertise across the globe.

Discover the low maintenance genset


关键词: 甲醇双燃料脱碳废气后处理发电机组MAN
