新款MAN 35/44DF CD:探索性能卓越的紧凑型发电机

2023-08-02 21:51 | 国际船舶网 配套动态

从高功率密度和低排放到燃料灵活性和面向未来的技术,新款 MAN 35/44DF CD 是所有问题的完美答案。我们的专家随时准备回答您的问题。


The new MAN 35/44DF CD: Discover the compact gen GenSet set with full performance

From high power density and low emissions to fuel flexibility and future-proof tech, the new MAN 35/44DF CD has all the answers. Our experts are ready to answer your questions.

Contact our experts


关键词: 甲醇双燃料脱碳废气后处理发电机组MAN
