
2024-08-15 16:55 | 国际船舶网 配套动态


我们的四冲程解决方案不仅符合 IMO 的最新规定,还能让您的 LNGC、FSRU 或 FLNG 走向未来。我们的方法基于双燃料发动机的灵活性、高效甲烷逃逸减少技术的开发以及双燃料电动+ (DFE+) 推进系统等创新概念。


Powering a confident future for your LNG cargo vessels

Worldwide demand for vessels in the LNG supply chain is growing, but the engines required for propulsion and auxiliary power have to meet the highest technical, environmental, and economic standards.

Our four-stroke solutions not only meet current IMO regulations but put your LNGCs, FSRUs or FLNGs on a clear path to the future. Our approach is based on the flexibility of our dual-fuel engines, the development of highly efficient methane slip reduction techniques, and innovative concepts like the Dual-Fuel Electric+ (DFE+) propulsion system.

Future-proof your LNG cargo vessel


关键词: MANLNG货船发动机
