利用MAN 35/44 CD驶向可持续发展的未来

2024-10-08 23:12 | 国际船舶网 配套动态

MAN 35/44 CD 发电机组是您实现可持续航运的大门。这款未来燃料预留型的动力装置可使用传统燃料,并可轻松改装使用液化天然气,未来还可能改装使用甲醇和氨。通过优化 CAPEX 和 OPEX,同时使得在竞争中保持领先。


✓ 可适应未来燃料

✓ 高运行效率带来的成本效益

✓ 灵活的升级潜力


Sailing towards a sustainable future with the MAN 35/44 CD

The MAN 35/44 CD GenSet is your gateway to sustainable shipping. This future-fuel-ready powerhouse operates with conventional fuels and can easily be retrofitted for LNG and potentially for methanol and ammonia in the future. Optimize your CAPEX and OPEX while staying ahead of the competition.

Key benefits:

✓ Adaptable to future fuels

✓ Cost-effective with high operational efficiency

✓ Flexible upgrading possibilities

Join the maritime energy transition and future-proof your fleet. Discover how we can give you a decisive advantage in the shipping industry.


关键词: MAN
