
2009-03-17 09:18 | 国际船舶网 公告公示

DNV has been selected by the European Commission to facilitate a process to shorten the time from policy making to industry implementation of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). “The aim is to speed up, integrate, and optimise the wide-scale commercial application in Europe”, says DNV COO Remi Eriksen.

The European Commission is focusing heavily on stimulating the construction and operation of a set of CCS demonstration projects by 2015. The successful operation of these is crucial for wide-scale commercial application of CCS within 2020.

Now, the Commission intends to generate early benefits from a coordinated European action by creating a knowledge-sharing network of CCS demonstration projects. DNV has been chosen to facilitate this integrating and binding project on behalf of the Commission.

CO2 networking and knowledge sharing

European CCS demonstration projects fulfilling a set of qualification criteria will be invited to join the network and benefit from its operations. Mainly, it will provide first movers a means of coordination, exchange of information and experience. Also, best practices will be identified in order to make optimal use of best technologies available in Europe. Additional benefit will be provided through commonly executed public awareness actions and interaction with other international or national initiatives, offering higher cost-efficiency and impact if undertaken collectively through the network rather than on individual basis.

Also, the participants may maximize the impact on further R&D, and optimize costs through shared collective actions.

DNV to facilitate and guide

DNV shall, through the network, guide coherently and assist the European Commission in establishing and facilitating the gathering and sharing of information. For example by organising knowledge sharing events and building of a web-based platform. This will help focus the policies that are needed in order to establishing a long-term &#118alue chain for CO2. Furthermore, the network should guide coherent and effective interaction of participating projects with related initiatives and organisations across the EU and worldwide. The project network will be developed into a service-orientated entity working in the interest of the participating projects. DNV will also be responsible for providing highly specialized services relating to information and communication functions.

DNV is honoured to facilitate Europe’s important CCS networking project. “Our comprehensive knowledge management experience in combination with an in-depth technological knowledge is utilised in the work towards common acceptance criteria and qualification methods. The aim is to clarify the decision basis and shorten the time span from policy making to industry implementation. Now, the task is to assist Europe in speeding up the most urgent challenge; how to integrate and optimise the wide-scale commercial application of CCS,” says Elisabeth Tørstad, DNV’s Director of Operations Cleaner Energy and Utilities.



关键词: 挪威船级社
