
2017-12-06 16:48 | 国际船舶网 船舷内外

芬兰Steerprop Ltd.近日正式声明,公司于2017年4月3日起终止与上海倍豪船舶科技有限公司(Powermaster Marine Ltd)关于其全部产品的销售代理关系以及与其产品相关的销售、保修、维修和配件销售等各项服务关系。上海倍豪船舶不再是本公司的代理,不再处理与本公司产品销售和服务相关的任何事宜,且本公司从未与上海倍豪船舶在产品生产方面进行合作。有关Steerprop Ltd. 产品的相关事宜,请直接与本公司联系。特此公告。

                                                                 芬兰Steerprop Ltd.


Announcement of termination of agent relationship

It is hereby announced that as at 3 April 2017 Steerprop Ltd. has terminated its product sales agent relationship with Powermaster Marine Ltd ("Powermaster") and it shall no longer continue its provision of warranty services, repair services, spare parts sales services and other services in relation to its products through Powermaster. Powermaster shall no longer be the agent of Steerprop Ltd and involved with the sale of our products and other service-related matters. Steerprop Ltd. has never cooperated with Powermaster in relation to the production of its products. For all the matters in relation to the products of Steerprop Ltd., please contact us directly.

                                                              Steerprop Ltd.



关键词: Steerprop上海倍豪
