
2019-03-21 15:03 | 国际船舶网 配套动态

3月21日上午8:58,伴随着响彻云霄的鞭炮声和阵阵欢乐的庆祝声,江苏振华环保科技有限公司(ZEPT)为新加坡“NOVA CARRIER SINGAPORE”公司34500DWT化学品船配套的首台套船舶废气洗涤系统举行隆重的交付仪式。公司董事长巫进及集团的高管、中层干部,船厂、设计院代表一起见证了交付仪式。





With the sound of fireworks and bursts of joy and celebration, Jiangsu Zhenhua environmental protection technology co., LTD (ZEPT) held a grand delivery ceremony for the first Scrubber of ZEPT for NOVA(Singapore) Carrier of 34500DWT oil chemical tanker. Mr. Jin Wu, the chairman of the Zhenhua Group, together with the senior management,representatives from shipyards and design institutes witnessed the delivery ceremony, at 8:58am on March 21st.

This project has two sets. The first set of EGCS of ZEPT was designed in last December, and put into production in this February, and was completed in March. The schedule is very tight and the task is very heavy. ZEPT staffs put much effort to achieve it. Still also this product is going to be exported to international market, which indicates the extraordinary significance of this delivery. The second set of EGCS will be completed and delivered by the end of this month.

ZEPT inherits the fortitude of Zhenhua Pump for 60 years, combines with domestic famous institutes, brings in mature and professional technical team, and also specializes in the development of marine EGC system. ZEPT has professional engineers majored in desulfurization, ship’s overall, hull, machinery, electrical, outfitting and marine fan and so on. With strong technical force including design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and after-sales service, relying on 37 countries around the world with more than 130 ports of the after sales service, ZEPT guarantees clients with completed pre-sales and after-sales service.

The total area of no.1 workshop of ZEPT is about 9800㎡. With all kinds of excellent professional processing and manufacturing equipments: the most large-scale high-precision laser cutting machine,plasma automatic welding machine and special equipment, such as stainless steel plate bending rolls and various profile processing equipments, ZEPT is capable of undertaking bulk orders for EGCS and providing customers with mature, high quality, efficient service.


关键词: 振华环科
