1970-01-01 08:00 | 国际船舶网

中国台湾散货航运公司达和航运(Ta-Ho Maritime Corporation)的8艘船将安装芬兰海事软件和数据服务提供商纳帕(NAPA)公司的性能监测、航程优化和航行风险监测解决方案,以加强数字化进程。


根绝双方签署的协议,纳帕公司将交付其下一代NAPA船队智能(Fleet Intelligence)软件,为达和航运提供对其运营的全面了解,包括全船队范围内的船舶位置、完成航程、性能、航速、航行持续时间和燃料消耗等信息。

纳帕公司这种软件凭借其准确评估和优化性能的功能,已经获得了日本船级社(ClassNK)的创新认可(Innovation Endorsement)框架认证。



更大的船队性能智能将支持进行符合日益严格环境法规的决策,如国际海事组织的碳强度指标(CII)和欧盟的排放交易系统(EU ETS),使团队能做出更明智的战略决策,以最大限度减少碳足迹。

纳帕公司销售总监Ni Bo介绍说,“数字化解决方案使船舶行业能主动遵守环境法规,同时又满足运营和商用目标。通过我们的纳帕船队队智能,客户团队可以从跨系统的无缝数据集成中受益,以更快的速度和准确性在多个方面采取行动,从减排到稳定性和应急响应。”

达和航运公司总裁Alan Shieh表示,“通过采用获日本船级社认可的纳帕船队智能,我们投资的是一个值得信赖的数字化解决方案合作伙伴,以应对日益复杂的航运业。与纳帕公司的合作标志着我们的数字化和脱碳之旅到了下一个前沿,通过建立全船队的运营数据库,我们可以获得数据驱动优化的回报,在环境合规方面保持领先地位。”

日本船级社中国台湾地区经理Junichi Kawakami指出,“我们对纳帕解决方案在达和航运船队的成功部署和展示表示祝贺,预计这一成就不仅有助于达和航运的运营优化,而且有助于实现脱碳的更广泛目标。作为第三方组织,我们将继续提供透明和可靠的认证,鼓励在航运业采用创新技术。”

Ta-Ho to cut emissions, boost fleet efficiency with NAPA solution

Taiwanese bulk shipping company Ta-Ho Maritime Corporation is strengthening digitalization efforts by installing NAPA’s performance monitoring, voyage optimization and navigational risk monitoring on eight vessels.

With enhanced fleet monitoring and management, NAPA is supporting Ta-Ho in minimizing fuel consumption and emissions.

Under the deal, NAPA, a Finland-based provider of maritime software and data services, is delivering its next-generation NAPA Fleet Intelligence software, providing Ta-Ho with a full-picture understanding of its operations, including fleet-wide intel on vessels’ locations, past voyages, performance, speed, voyage duration, and fuel consumption.

The software has been certified by ClassNK’s Innovation Endorsement framework for its function of accurately assessing and optimizing performance.

An initial pilot using NAPA Voyage Optimization over two months has already demonstrated a total fuel-saving potential of 4.0%. In addition to this, trials showed that a further 2.9% fuel saving was possible by improving vessels’ operational profile using recommendations from the platform.

At the same time, using navigational risk monitoring allows teams to gain an overview of high-risk areas and map out voyages in line with this to minimize risk and maximize safety. Furthermore, enhanced data collection and integration allow Ta-Ho’s teams to take a proactive approach to fleet management where, for example, insights on a vessel can help optimize maintenance schedules and manage aging. This operational optimization contributes to enhanced energy efficiency and safety.

Greater intelligence on fleet performance will support decision-making in line with tightening environmental regulations, like the IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), allowing teams to make better-informed and strategic decisions to minimize their carbon footprint.

“Digital solutions are empowering the industry to proactively comply with environmental regulations while also meeting operational and commercial goals. With NAPA Fleet Intelligence, teams benefit from seamless data integration across systems to act on multiple fronts, from emissions reductions to stability and emergency response, with greater speed and accuracy,” Ni Bo, Director of Sales at NAPA, said.

“By adopting NAPA Fleet Intelligence endorsed by ClassNK, we are investing in a trusted digital solutions partner to navigate shipping’s growing complexities. This partnership with NAPA marks the next frontier on our digitalization and decarbonization journey. By building a fleet-wide operations database, we can reap the rewards of data-driven optimization and stay ahead of the curve in terms of compliance with environmental regulations,” Alan Shieh, President at Ta-Ho, commented.

“ClassNK extends congratulations for the successful deployment and demonstration of NAPA’s solution aboard the Ta-Ho Maritime fleet. This accomplishment is anticipated to contribute not only to Ta-Ho’s operational optimization but also to the broader goal of decarbonization. As a third-party organization, we will continue to provide transparent and reliable certification to encourage the adoption of innovative technologies in the shipping industry,” Junichi Kawakami, Regional Manager at ClassNK Taiwan, added.


