1970-01-01 08:00 | 国际船舶网

不久前由瑞士日内瓦Okapi Supply Trading Advisory收购的Manta Marine Technologies(前雅苒海洋技术Yara Marine Technologies)日前对外披露了其新品牌和领导团队。

全新亮相的Manta Marine Technologies团队现在将由首席执行官Ina Reksten领导,她之前是雅苒海洋技术的副首席执行官兼首席运营官。

即将离任的首席执行官Thomas Koniordos博士已经被任命为董事会主席,前首席销售官Aleksander Askeland将担任新的首席财务官,Richard Engelhart Bjercke将担任新的首席运营官。

新股东Okapi Supply Trading Advisory公司首席执行官 SA CEO, Mohamed J. Ndao介绍说,“我相信,有了Ina及新的领导团队,Manta Marine Technologies将继续为海事行业提供先进的可持续解决方案,我们所有的产品,比如FuelOpt和岸电解决方案,都以帮助船舶更环保的能力而闻名,我们的新团队将以这些成功为基础,确保我们能帮助我们的行业更接近低碳和零碳的未来。”

新上任的Ina Reksten表示,“通过成为Okapi家族的一员,我们将能为客户提供更高效、更有效的绿色运营解决方案。除了开发像风力推进等这样的未来海事技术外,我们还将继续为客户提供生命周期服务支援,确保现有产品具有相同的高质量性能。我们承诺将站在海事技术最前沿,帮助海运业实现国际海事组织的温室气体排放目标。”

Manta Marine Technologies的产品组合包括推进优化系统FuelOpt,先进的性能管理和报告系统Fleet Analytics,基于云的人工智能船舶运营支持系统RoutePilot AI,船舶岸电装置等。此外,FuelOpt还支持风力辅助推进,能优化动力,并记录配有风帆、旋筒、风筝和翼帆等技术的船舶的燃料性能。

Manta Marine Technologies Announces New Leadership

Manta Marine Technologies, formerly known as Yara Marine Technologies (YMT), unveiled its new brand and leadership team, following its recent acquisition by Geneva-based Okapi Supply Trading Advisory SA.

The Manta Marine Technologies team will now be led by CEO Ina Reksten, who previously served as Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer. Outgoing CEO Dr Thomas Koniordos has been appointed as Chair of the Board, while former Chief Sales Officer, Aleksander Askeland will be the new CFO and Richard Engelhart Bjercke will be the new CCO.

“I am confident that Manta Marine Technologies, with Ina at the helm of its new leadership team, will continue to excel at advancing sustainable solutions for the maritime industry,” said new owner, Okapi Supply Trading Advisory SA CEO, Mohamed J. Ndao. “All our products, such as FuelOpt and shore power solutions, are well known for their ability to help make vessels greener. Our new team will build on this success and ensure that we help our sector move closer towards a low and zero carbon future,”

“By becoming part of the Okapi family we will be able to offer our customers more efficient and effective solutions towards green operations," said Reksten. "In addition to developing future maritime technologies like wind propulsion, we will continue to support our customers with lifecycle services and ensure the same high-quality performance in existing products. Our promise is to be at the forefront of maritime technologies to help the maritime industry meet the IMO’s GHG targets.”

Manta Marine Technologies' portfolio of products include propulsion optimization system FuelOpt; state of the art performance management and reporting system Fleet Analytics; cloud-based AI-powered ship operation support system RoutePilot AI; and shore power installations for vessels. Additionally, FuelOpt also supports wind assisted propulsion that optimizes power and records fuel performance on vessels with sails, rotors, kites, and wings.


