
2024-04-07 08:32 | 国际船舶网 配套动态

芬兰技术集团瓦锡兰已经与台船环海风电工程有限公司(CSBC-DEME Wind Engineering)签署了一份长期资产性能保证(Guaranteed Asset Performance)协议,具体涉及一艘新造216米长的安装船“Green Jade”号。

据悉,船东台船环海是台船和DEME Offshore公司的合资企业,“Green Jade”号是台船环海在台湾设计和建造的一艘海上重吊DP3安装船。

台船环海首席执行官Marco Kanaar表示,"对这艘新船进行高效率利用对于我们的业务非常重要,因此,我们选择了瓦锡兰的推进器和发动机,该公司在质量和可靠性方面具有卓越的口碑。通过签署这项维护协议,我们与瓦锡兰结成了合作伙伴关系,不仅能提高我们船队的运营效率和资产可用性,而且将加强了我们共同的承诺,以培养当地人才,促进就业机会,为台湾海工行业的持续成功奠定基础。”

瓦锡兰的订单计入今年一季度业绩,此次协议的全部内容包括远程运营支持、推进状态监测服务和瓦锡兰的专家视野(Expert Insight)预测性维护服务。其中的专家视野利用人工智能和基于规则的先进诊断来持续监测运营数据,从而确保资产的可用性和可靠性。

瓦锡兰船舶协议销售总裁Henrik Wilhelms介绍说,“从最初的讨论开始,很明显,在项目执行过程中,可用性、维护灵活性和可靠性对台船环海的这个项目至关重要。该船持有特殊的船旗管理和船级社豁免,具有7.5年的干船坞间隔,这是通过数据、人工智能以及我们与船舶运营商之间的密切合作实现的。”


Wärtsilä Lifecycle Agreement for Installation Vessel Green Jade

Wärtsilä reports it has signed a long-term Guaranteed Asset Performance agreement with CSBC-DEME Wind Engineering Co Ltd (CDWE), a joint venture between CSBC Corporation and DEME Offshore. The agreement covers CDWE’s new 216 meters-long installation vessel, the Green Jade.

Marco Kanaar, CEO of CDWE, owner of the Taiwan-designed and -built offshore heavy lift DP3 installation vessel Green Jade says: "High utilization of our Green Jade is of utmost importance to our business which is why we have selected the Wärtsilä thrusters and engines for its reputation for excellent quality and reliability. By formalizing our partnership with Wärtsilä through this maintenance agreement, we are not only enhancing the operational efficiency and asset availability of our fleet but also fostering our joint commitment to nurturing local talent, facilitating employment opportunities and solidifying a foundation for sustained success in Taiwan's offshore industry."

The full scope of the agreement includes remote operational support, a propulsion condition monitoring service and Wärtsilä’s Expert Insight predictive maintenance service. Expert Insight utilizes artificial intelligence and rule-based advanced diagnostics to continuously monitor operating data. This secures asset availability and reliability.

“From the very first discussions it was clear that availability, maintenance flexibility and reliability were essential for this project with CDWE during project execution. This vessel holds a special flag administration and classification society exemption, permitting 7.5 years drydocking intervals. This is enabled with data, AI and close collaboration between us and the ship operator,” said Henrik Wilhelms, Director, Agreement Sales, Wärtsilä Marine.

The agreement also includes comprehensive scheduled maintenance, including all major overhauls of the ship’s Wärtsilä engines and thrusters, along with original spare parts. The time-between-overhaul guarantees, provided by the agreement, decrease the frequency of overhauls. This not only significantly reduces the cost, but also minimizes the environmental impact of the maintenance.


关键词: 瓦锡兰台船环海
