
2008-10-23 10:57 | 本站原创 船东动态

近日,澳大利亚航运公司CEO Llew Russell赞颂澳大利亚众议院常务委员会提交的沿海航运政策报告。

Australia: CEO of Shipping Australia, Llew Russell, said that he was impressed with the way the House of Representative Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development & Local Government handled the complex issues involved in the coastal shipping policy report.

“The report had to deal with many differing, at times, opposing views in 68 submissions plus twelve supplementary submissions”

The submissions covered a broad range of issues, demonstrating the complexity of the issues involved in strengthening the industry’s competitiveness and sustainability.

Russell said, “The report challenges the collective shipping industry in Australia, relevant stakeholders and governments to come up with the detailed solutions to meet many of the objectives outlined in its recommendations.

“We are particularly pleased with the recommendation regarding the creation of a national port development plan to address current and potential capacity constraints in Australia’s ports.”


关键词: 澳大利亚航运赞颂沿海航运政策报告
