
2009-06-22 09:10 | 国际船舶网 公告公示




Song of Mt.Oralora


Oralora, Oralora
A pretty girl like movie star
Half strain kept as east
And half came from west
Seatrend Shipping is your father

Yangzi Shipyard is your mother


In purple red, you looks so pride
As nowhere for you to abide
Great ocean will be under your skirt
All the world will follow your thoughts of alert
Your thoughts is from your father
But your slender figure is from your mother


You sleep there with full love of innocent
So tender,  so calm, yet eloquent
When first ray of dawn appears
Apart time comes in slience and tears
You will go with your father
But never ever hurt your poor mother


关键词: 船厂员工荷兰船东
