
2024-03-06 17:34 | 国际船舶网 船舶设计

(OceanSTAR FSO-01)

总部位于新加坡的瀚辰船舶与海洋工程(OceanSTAR Marine & Offshore)私人投资有限公司的新造浮式存储与卸载(FSO)设计日前已经获得了由法国船级社(BV)交付的基本设计评估,并且获得了美国船级社(ABS)颁发的原理认可证书(AIP)。

据悉,这种名为OceanSTAR FSO-01的新设计是一种专门开发的通用中型尺寸FSO船体形状设计,存储能力可达75万桶石油,能满足亚太地区和非洲沿海海上油田的运营需求。该设计的其它特点还包括一个更大的加固甲板区域,设有可扩展的生活区和管道路,可适应FPSO或FPU的上建应用。


瀚辰精英(OceanSTAR Elite)集团董事会主席兼首席执行官张志强介绍说,“我们的目标是为海上能源领域提供一流的一站式工程设计和创新解决方案,感谢船级社的努力和支持,加强我们追求卓越的承诺。”

(FPU Trunojoyo-01)

瀚辰公司致力于为海上能源领域提供一站式专业工程设计和创新解决方案,在FPU、FPSO和FSO市场拥有多年的工程设计经验,在印尼、马来西亚、中国等地设有分支机构。该公司近期的另一项成就是新设计的FPU Trunojoyo-01船体,已经于2022年底成功交付,在印尼运营。

ABS Awards AIP for OceanSTAR’s FSO Design

Classification society ABS said it has granted an approval in principle (AIP) to OceanSTAR Marine & Offshore Investment Pte. Ltd., for its newbuild floating storage and offloading (FSO) design.

The OceanSTAR FSO-01 is a shipshape hull design specifically developed to cater to midsize FSOs with a storage capacity to scale up to 750,000 barrels of oil for operational demands in Asia Pacific and African coastal offshore fields. Other features include a larger strengthened deck area, expandable living quarters and piping routings that can adapt to topsides for either FPSO or FPU applications.

“The floating production market is a cornerstone of ABS’ leading position in the offshore side of classification. We are proud to work with OceanSTAR on their latest FSO design which promises to support the growing demand for storage capacity,” said Matt Tremblay, ABS Vice President, Global Offshore.

James Zhang Zhiqiang, Group Chairman and CEO of OceanSTAR Elite Group, said, “At OceanSTAR Elite Group, our ambition is to lead in providing top-notch and one-stop engineering design and innovative solutions for the offshore energy sector. We appreciate ABS’ efforts and support, which reinforce our commitment to excellence.”

Bureau Veritas (BV) has delivered the Basic Design Assessment to OceanSTAR, for its new build FSO design, OceanSTAR FSO-01. This design has also been awarded the Approval in Principle (AIP) from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).

Headquartered in Singapore, with branches spanning Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, and China, OceanSTAR offers one-stop professional engineering design and extended EPCIC solutions for offshore energy sector. The company’s latest achievement is the new build hull FPU Trunojoyo-01, has been successfully delivered in late 2022 and is operated in Madura field, Indonesia.

With the firsthand experience in new build FPU and many years of engineering design experience in the FPU, FPSO, and FSO market, OceanSTAR has developed its latest FSO Hull design: OceanSTAR FSO-01.

The OceanSTAR FSO-01 is a generic shipshape hull design, specifically developed to cater to midsize FSOs, with a storage capacity to scalable up to 750,000 barrels of oil for operational demands in Asia Pacific and African coastal offshore fields. Other features include a larger strengthened deck area, expandable living quarters, and piping routings that can adapt to topsides for either FPSO or FPU applications.

The fore and aft end design to ease interface with spread or external turret mooring. Complete with standard offshore floaters utilities, control and safety systems commonly required by O&G clients and specifications as per international standards, regulatory bodies and classification societies.

This basic engineering design availability will expedite the delivery of new build hull, a critical component to any floater’s development requirement. This expedited new delivery and generic design will offer competitive pricing compared to existing trading tanker hull. The new build will offer long-term (>30 years) high asset Integrity and will also provide flexibility for contract extensiion or future multi redeployment options.


关键词: 瀚辰FSO设计船级社
